What is Charity Week?


This year, Charity Week place during the week 25th October – 31st October 2021.

For the past 17 years, young people have been coming together from across the world, promoting the vision of unity and undertaking a week of united fundraising for orphans and children worldwide.

But why do we believe so deeply about united action and belief?

Because the range of problems and difficulties faced by us all across the world are so many, so varied, so complex – that the only way that we will stand any chance of overcoming them is if we work together.

This year, with COVID-19 sweeping through every community across the world, each of these problems and difficulties are now felt more keenly than ever before so we are calling on everyone, young or old, to get involved and help change lives!

Become a changemaker today!

Join us in this movement for change

Charity Week is the time for the bakers, the bucketeers, the Changemakers to come together to act locally but affect change globally to the lives of thousands of children worldwide.

Get a list of fundraising ideas and create your page now!

You don’t have to be a certain age, Charity Week is whatever you want to make of it!

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